• Gay as hell

    Early 2000s, my cousins were visiting from CO and our moms (sisters) decided they would take all us kids to Kings Dominion for the day, who doesn’t love overpriced food, sweaty people, and average roller coasters? Waiting in line for one of the roller coasters a couple, two men holding hands with literally all eyes on them, including my own. Disgust, shock, also happy a little maybe—feelings I hadn’t felt, why was this thing for which I had no words different, and why did it make me feel like this? Growth is being able to say you once felt a pit in your stomach every time you had sex with…

  • I. Throughout September of 2020, I was having an internal crisis surrounding the direction my life was headed and what I could do about it. I started getting around 4 hours of sleep every night and didn’t eat very much, my anxiety kept me up, made my stomach hurt, and made it difficult to focus. I couldn’t remember when I started to feel so stuck—was it the first job post-grad that everyone knows usually fucking sucks, or was it much, much larger than that? I’ve known for most of my life that I was (am) on a different path than most other people—I’ve had a unique experience that has made…